Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween!

 I made the executive decision to do a 101 Dalmatian theme for our family this Halloween, and it was a hit! The kids loved dressing up as puppies.

It was a very light sewing costume year for me, and I am okay with that! I sewed the faux fur white wrap that I wore and I tried to sew red gloves, but they were a major flop! I bought my wig, baby's costume, and three white shirts. I painted spots on the shirts for my girls and made them masks out of felt, elastic, and glue from my hot glue gun! 

We had a blast this Halloween and hope you did too, if you happen to celebrate it of course!


  1. Adorable!! I love a good no-sew/low-sew costume.

    1. Thanks! Of course I love sewing but this way it was also low stress! ;)

  2. My goodness, cuteness at its fullest! I just love your costume theme for the family. The kids are all so adorable.

    1. you are so sweet! Someday I'll get my act together and sew real costumes like you did!

    2. Well if you do my advice would be to have a lot of chocolate on hand and some tissues too. :)
